One family
Two countries
Shared account

Forget everything you know about international money transfers

  • Zero fees
  • Instant transfers
  • Amazing rates
  • Lasting value

How does it work?

  • Your family in the Philippines receives a free Rewire account
  • You can add money to their account in a tap for their immediate use
  • The money is converted to PHP when used, so its value is preserved

Why Family Account?

You get peace of mind

Unlimited fee-free
money transfers
No need to track
FX rate
Full transparency to
your family’s account
and balance

Your family gets more

Immediate access to
Ability to convert to PHP
at any time with 0 loss of
money value
Multiple ways to use the money:

The big news

The amount you send is the amount your family receives
The EUR turns to PHP only once used, so the value of the money you send is preserved.